Major weight loss can result in excess sagging fat and skin. This occurs because the skin and tissues often lack the elasticity needed to conform to the reduced body size. To remove the fat and skin and improve the shape of the underlying support issue, Dr. Julie Kupersmith can provide body contouring in New Rochelle, New York. These procedures are often performed after bariatric surgery, which is also called weight reduction surgery. The result of body contouring is a more normal appearance with smoother contours.
A custom-tailored package of procedures will be designed to suit each individual’s needs. Depending on your needs, your custom body contouring package may include one or more of the following:
- Facelift: Corrects sagging of the mid-face or lower face, jowls and neck
- Breast lift: Corrects sagging, flattened breasts
- Tummy tuck: Removes excess skin hanging over the abdomen
- Lower body lift: Corrects sagging of the abdomen, buttocks, groin and outer thighs
- Medial thigh lift: Corrects sagging of the inner, outer and mid-thigh
- Arm lift: Corrects sagging of the upper arms
We invite you to contact our office today at 914-235-5171 to schedule a consultation with our skilled cosmetic surgeon to form your custom-tailored body contouring package.