Exploring Your Breast Augmentation Options

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Breast augmentation also known as breast implants are a popular way for women who are dissatisfied with their current bust size to find the enhancement they want. There are several different types of breast implants to choose from. Your breast augmentation goals and your body type, will influence what type of implant Dr. Julie Kupersmith will recommend.

Silicone implants have been used for breast augmentation for many years. The silicone implant feels very similar to natural breast tissue. If the membrane leaks or ruptures the silicone will stay in place without deflating the implant. After the breast augmentation you will periodically need to have an MRI or ultrasound performed to monitor the integrity of the implant.

Silicone implants can also be shaped. Form-stable implants are made from shaped silicone with a thicker silicone gel, while round implants provide a higher profile to the breast. A smooth implant provides a soft feel and will move a little inside the implant pocket. This gives your new bust a natural when you move.

Saline implants are a popular alternative to silicone implants for breast augmentation. The implants are filled with sterile saline solution that has been approved by the FDA. They also feel very similar to natural breast tissue. One of the benefits of a saline implant is that if it leaks the fluid will be safely absorbed by your body.

Another possible breast augmentation option for women looking for only a minor enhancement to bust size is to have a fat transfer breast augmentation procedure. This is often done alongside a liposuction procedure. It involves using fat from another part of your body that is transferred to the breast area without having to use a filled implant.

If you are interested in exploring your breast augmentation options, please feel free to Dr. Julie Kupersmith us at 914-235-5171 to schedule an appointment.

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