Breast Lifts Are a Popular Way to Rejuvenate the Youthful Appearance of Breast

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The natural processes of aging and changes in body composition resulting from significant weight loss, pregnancy, or breast feeding, can cause your breasts to sag and change in shape. Women who aren’t interested in breast implants often choose to have a breast lift to improve the shape and profile of their breasts.

This trend has continued to grow in popularity, to the point where breast lift procedures are performed nearly twice as often as breast augmentations!

A breast lift is strategically designed to remove excess skin from each breast. This effectively tightens the skin of the breasts while reshaping and firming breast tissues.

Your Julie Kupersmith, MD, PC surgeon will base their incision strategy on your current breast shape and areola location. This might include making an incision around the areola of each breast to adjust its size and location. From there an incision can be made down from the areola to the base of the breast to remove excess skin, and tighten the breast tissue.

Your surgeon might also recommend an incision strategy that adjusts the areola and includes a vertical incision down from the breast crease as well as a horizontal incision. This is more likely if you have large breasts or breasts that have sagged significantly.

The overriding theme of any breast lift incisions strategy is to adjust the shape and profile of the breasts with a minimal amount of postoperative scarring.

If you would like to adjust or improve the shape and profile of your breasts, you should call Julie Kupersmith, MD, PC’s clinic in New Rochelle, New York at 914-235-5171 to schedule a consultation session.

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