A Facelift Can Help Reverse the Appearance of Aging Skin

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The natural processes of aging, as well as improper diet and sun exposure, can reduce the collagen production in the skin of your face. This process, known as skin aging, is gradual and minimal at first. As time goes on, these minor imperfections in appearance can become more and more pronounced. This drives many people to reach out to their cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Julie Kupersmith, to explore their options for reversing the appearance of skin aging and rejuvenate their youthful appearance.

A facelift in New Rochelle, New York, is designed to improve sagging in the middle of your face and deep creases below the lower eyelids or along the nose and mouth. It can also to improve skin tone and texture in the lower face as well as loose skin or excess fatty deposits under your chin.

You might also be interested in having cheek or chin implants installed to accent key features on your face. If so, be sure to mention this to your cosmetic surgeon during the initial consultation.

The typical recovery time varies depending on your age, general state of health, tobacco use and quality of aftercare. It’s a good idea to take a week or more off from work to allow you to rest while the incision heals.

If you have been struggling with the appearance of skin aging in New Rochelle, New York, you should call Julie Kupersmith, MD, PC at 914-235-5171 to ask about a facelift.

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