Body Contouring Can Further Improve Your Appearance After Significant Weight Loss

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Losing weight through diet, exercise and other lifestyle modifications is a significant accomplishment to be celebrated. However, massive weight loss can still leave you with certain body parts that you wish were more appealing. In a case like this, Dr. Julie Kupersmith can offer several different solutions.

If it is merely a matter of excess skin in the abdominal area, she might recommend an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck. This surgical treatment will resect excess skin and tighten the area with minimal scarring.

If you have multiple body parts with loose skin as well as small, stubborn fatty deposits, your cosmetic surgeon might recommend a body contouring procedure. This is a special type of cosmetic surgery designed to remove fat deposits or to sculpt and adjust the shape of underlying fat.

You might also be interested in having another procedure like a breast lift included with the body contouring. Breast tissues and skin are often affected by significant changes in body composition. Having a lift or breast reduction performed during a body contouring treatment can be a convenient way to improve these related issues in a single session.

The recovery time after body contouring will vary, depending on the number and size of the areas that need to be addressed. Your surgeon will explain any special postoperative care considerations.

If you live in the New Rochelle, New York, area and you are interested a body contouring, you should call 914-235-5171 to set up a consultation at Julie Kupersmith, MD, PC.

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