Are You Considering Breast Implant Removal Surgery To Remove or Replace Your Breast Implants?

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Sometimes women who have had breast augmentation or breast reconstruction surgery completed in the past decade need the implants removed or replaced. It can happen if the former implant or breast capsule leaked for some reason. For example, the implant’s outside shell broke down, or the scar tissue resulting from the previous implant has hardened, leaving your breast feeling painful.

Typically, it involves surgically going in and removing those implants and scar tissue altogether or removing them and replacing them with new ones. Or you have decided you don’t want your breast implants anymore or have decided you want a different size now.

It is also important to remember that having breast surgery augmentation or reconstruction is not a one-time-only surgery. Every 10-15 years, you will need to have your implants changed, taken, or even left out. It depends on your unique needs and long-term goals.

When To Have a Breast Implant Removal

So, when should you have a breast implant removal done? There are a variety of great reasons to have a former breast implant removal done:

  • There is leakage
  • Calcium deposits have collected around your implant
  • You have an autoimmune response to your breast implant
  • There is tissue death surrounding your implant
  • You experience pain from your implants
  • One or both of your implants have shifted out of place
  • Your breasts have changed their size, weight, or shape over time or from a pregnancy

Talk To Your Surgeon

When you get your breast implants removed, you will first meet with our surgeon to discuss why you want them taken out. Then you will determine what your future goals are for your breasts’ appearance. Our surgeon will also go over your current health conditions, what medications you are taking, and any previous surgeries you have had (including your breast implants).

Our team will then inspect your breasts and take photos of them. Then our surgeon will offer potential treatment aimed at meeting your goals. We will also review current health and go over potential complications or risks involved in your breast implant removal. Then we can provide you with pre-surgical instructions to prepare for the actual surgery.

What Does the Surgery Day Involve?

When your breast implant removal surgery takes place, you will be made comfortable with anesthesia. We will also make sure you get medications to prevent pain and nausea during and after your surgery. Your skin will be prepped with an antibacterial cleanser to keep out infection and get the surgical site ready for the procedure.

Our surgeon will make an incision (usually beneath the breast or surrounding your nipple’s areola) to take out the implant and tissue capsule (as they apply in your situation) and complete your breast implant goals (such as replacing them). Next, the incision area will be sutured or glued into place before applying dressings or bandages to keep the incision safely insulated. If drainage is needed, our surgeon will make it so that the blood or breast fluid drains out of your breasts.

Then you are taken to the recovery room, where you can rest until you awaken. We will also check your vital signs and pain levels are optimal and make any dressings as needed. Once cleared to go home, you will need to have a friend or family member drive you home and stay with you if needed.

After Your Surgery

Your healing will take place within a few weeks as you follow our surgeon’s instructions post-surgery. You may have trouble moving your body and upper arms for a few weeks. Be sure to get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and limit excessive activity until your inflammation and pain subsides.

If you have had a breast implant done in the past and need to have them removed or replaced, we invite you to give our skilled team a call to schedule a consultation with our surgeon. We look forward to helping you look and feel comfortable in your body!

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