Sun exposure combined with age can lead to a wide range of problems, including accelerating skin aging, a reduction of collagen in the deep dermis layers of the skin and even brown spots on the face and hands.
Adequate sun protection is the very first line of defense to prevent the appearance of aging on these parts of the body. Unfortunately, many sunblock brands available on the market today only offer a minimal level of protection and very few do more than simply block out ultraviolet radiation.
Many effects of aging in the skin and throughout the body are caused by free radicals. Free radicals are produced by your body when your cells use oxygen to metabolize nutrients and conduct basic cellular functions. Free radicals are missing a key electron, which makes them volatile and unstable. When a free radical comes into contact with a healthy cell it can cause damage in the cell walls, thus reducing the cell’s lifespan.
Prolonged free radical production in the cells of the skin greatly contribute to skin aging.
Key nutrients like vitamins C and E have antioxidant properties which battle the damage posed by free radicals. A sunblock that has been fortified with Retin-A and anti-oxidant compounds thus protects the skin from the damage of UV light, while also helping to keep your skin looking young, healthy and strong.
If you have questions about what sunblock is right for you or you would like help mitigating the effects of skin aging, please feel free to call us at 914-235-5171 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you maintain young, healthy looking skin.