If You Are Tired of Looking Tired, a Forehead Lift (or Brow Lift) Can Make All the Difference!

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When you look into the mirror, are you unhappy with the wrinkles and lines you see on your face? If you have wrinkle lines creasing your forehead and on the bridge of your nose between your eyes, frown lines, or sagging upper eyelids, there is help. If your forehead and eyebrows make you look older and tired, getting a forehead or brow lift can make all the difference!

Our board-certified plastic surgeon has helped many people such as yourself achieve a more youthful appearance with a forehead lift. If you are physically healthy, a nonsmoker, and have a positive outlook with reasonable expectations around changing your looks with plastic surgery, you are a viable candidate for this cosmetic surgery! Wrinkles on the forehead may be common with age, they don’t complement your appearance. They usually make you look stern, tired, or angry especially if the eyebrows droop, making your upper eyelids appear hooded. A forehead or brow lift can change all of that.

Before you can get a brow lift surgery, you will need to consult with our surgeon to go over your goals, review your medical history, and medications you are currently taking, as well as any vitamins and herbal supplements. We will also want to know if you use tobacco, drink alcohol or take recreational drugs.

In addition, our surgeon will review your overall health to assess your risk factors for surgery and review your options based on your unique needs. Areas of your face will be measured and photographs taken to help recommend the best cosmetic treatment for your goals. We will also go over any potential complications that could arise from your surgery and what you can expect the outcome to look like. It is also the time for you to bring up any questions or concerns you might have so you get peace of mind.

We are happy to explain how good a candidate you are for this surgical option, how long your recovery will be, what you will need, what the risks and complications might be, and how you will look after you have recovered.

Once we have answered your questions and reviewed your expected outcome, we can help you prepare for your forehead lift surgery. You will need to get a medical evaluation, have some lab tests done, pick up prescribed medication, adjust the medications you currently take and cease smoking (tobacco interferes with healing and recovery). You will also need to avoid medications (or supplements) that act as blood thinners and raise your risk of bleeding and bruising.

You will also need to arrange for someone to drive you on the day of your surgery as well as stay with you during the first night after your surgery to make sure you are both safe and comfortable. You can expect the wound healing to take anywhere from 10 days to two weeks. At that time, you will also be ready to go back to your normal activities and work.

While you are recovering, your healing will continue, and you can expect some bruising and swelling, which will dissipate. Even so, you’ll see a difference in your forehead and brow area right away and will only look better and better as your incision lines diminish. Keep your skin looking its best by wearing sunscreen whenever you are to protect against those harmful and aging rays. For optimal results, don’t smoke, limit alcohol, drink plenty of water, and get a good night’s sleep to maintain your new look as long as possible. You deserve to look your best, so call today for a consultation!

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