
Body Contouring Can Adjust Key Body Parts After Significant Weight Loss

Many people understand the value of weight loss because it reduces the potential medical complications from obesity. Even after the hard work of diet and exercise, there might be some key body regions that need cosmetic adjustment. One option worth consideration is to have a body contouring treatment performed at Julie Kupersmith, MD, PC. This form of cosmetic surgery is... read more »

A Dermal Filler Injection Can Enhance a Facial Feature

As you age, the skin on your face can undergo some gradual yet significant changes. Wrinkles can form around the eyes and along the mouth, lips can thin, and areas on your face can start to sag. There are several cosmetic surgery options offered by Dr. Julie Kupersmith that can help you. However, some people prefer a temporary solution in... read more »

Basic Aftercare Instructions When Recovering from a Breast Reduction

A breast reduction is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of your breasts. It will also tighten the remaining breast tissues by removing key areas of excess skin. During the breast reduction, Dr. Julie Kupersmith can also adjust the size and location of your areola. Quality preparation and aftercare significantly reduce your chances of experiencing postoperative... read more »

Chin Implants and Cheek Implants Can Give Your More Prominent Features

For most people, facial appearance and the prominence of certain features are largely related to genetics or certain medical conditions when growing up. Less-than-prominent facial features like sallow cheeks of a soft-appearing chin can have a serious effect on your self-esteem. One very effective method for addressing issues like this is to have Dr. Julie Kupersmith provide you with cheek... read more »

Facelifts: The Essential Information

As time goes on, you'll notice that there are certain signs of aging that are pretty tricky to eliminate. Your face is one of the areas most visibly hit by the aging process, which is why Dr. Julie Kupersmith here at Julie Kupersmith, MD, PC in New Rochelle, New York, offers facelift procedures to help you keep a youthful appearance... read more »

A Breast Lift Improves the Profile of Your Breasts Without Use of Implants

As you age, changes in body composition and breast tissue can alter the shape and size of your breasts. This is even more likely to occur after pregnancy and breast feeding or after significant weight loss. Many women who are dissatisfied with their profile contact our cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Julie Kupersmith, for a breast lift in New Rochelle, New York.... read more »

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