Congratulations, you made it to 2022! The beginning of a new year beckons us to discard old habits that haven’t worked well and embark on new goals that support our health and appearance. When it comes to how we look, some great new patterns can support our New Year’s goals to look and feel our best yet! It Is All... read more »
While this year may have limited people through social distancing and mask-wearing, people still want to look their best! What better time to get cosmetic work done than for meeting your medical insurance deductibles for the year? Another reason people seek plastic surgery or other body-enhancing treatments during the holidays is that end-of-year vacation; the perfect way to use up... read more »
Every October, we observe National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to U.S. Breast Cancer statistics, approximately 1 in 8 U.S. women (around 13%) will develop invasive breast cancer throughout her lifetime. This year, not only will an estimated 281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer be diagnosed in women in our country, but also 49,290 new cases of non-invasive breast... read more »
Are you considering having cosmetic plastic surgery to boost the appearance of your facial features? If so, you are not alone. You have options to choose from, including having a facelift, eye lift, rhinoplasty, chin and cheek implants, or liposuction. These popular surgical treatments are done all the time, and this is evidenced by the 15.6 million cosmetic procedures done... read more »
Looking and feeling your best means getting the right amount of exercise so you can trigger those powerful physiological and biochemical processes in your body. Exercise calms you so you can sleep better, and in turn, allow your body to process your blood sugar most effectively for a healthier you. In fact, you can expect a variety of good things... read more »
It’s bikini season again, making abdominoplasty (tummy tucks) a popular plastic surgery for a transformative boost to one’s body image. This plastic surgery procedure means having reconstructive surgery done to tighten your stomach muscles that may have expanded, become loose, or separated after experiencing extreme weight loss or pregnancy. And it’s not just for looks because your stomach muscles may... read more »
When you look into the mirror, are you unhappy with the wrinkles and lines you see on your face? If you have wrinkle lines creasing your forehead and on the bridge of your nose between your eyes, frown lines, or sagging upper eyelids, there is help. If your forehead and eyebrows make you look older and tired, getting a forehead... read more »
Did you know that nearly 40 million Americans experience chronic insomnia and that around 1 in 4 Americans get insomnia every year? Unfortunately, that doesn’t bode well for your skin or facial appearance! That’s because sleep is how your skin renews itself by maintaining its healthy pH levels and keeping your skin hydrated. A poor night’s sleep can leave you... read more »
This revolutionary body contouring/cosmetic surgery can help you get rid of unsightly fat that all your dieting and exercising couldn’t budge. Whether you are looking to improve your hips, belly, thighs, buttocks, back, arms, under the chin, or face, liposuction can boost your efforts! It can also be combined with other types of plastic surgeries, such as a facelift, breast... read more »
Sometimes women who have had breast augmentation or breast reconstruction surgery completed in the past decade need the implants removed or replaced. It can happen if the former implant or breast capsule leaked for some reason. For example, the implant’s outside shell broke down, or the scar tissue resulting from the previous implant has hardened, leaving your breast feeling painful.... read more »