
Learn What You Should Be Doing During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that while breast cancer is more common in American white women, African-American women are more likely to die from it? Did you know that scientists can’t figure out why the left breast develops cancer more frequently than the right breast? Or that the first operation that used anesthesia to numb pain was for a breast cancer surgery?... read more »

Correct a Sagging Forehead or Drooping Eyelids With a Cosmetic Brow Lift

A brow lift or forehead lift raises your sagging or deeply furrowed eyebrows that make you look chronically tired or affect your eyelids and vision. This lift fixes any sagging of the skin in the forehead, eyebrows, and upper eyelids, smoothing out wrinkle lines that show up across your forehead. Brow lifts also smooth unsightly lines on the bridge of... read more »

A Breast Lift Can Help Restore Your Youthful Breast Profile

Perky breasts and a high bustline are typical hallmarks of a youthful bust profile. However, human breast tissue is made up of a complex amalgam of healthy fat tissues, mammary glands and various connective tissues held in shape by the skin. It’s an unfortunate fact that time and gravity are a fickle nemesis to the youthful appearance of the breasts.... read more »

Ultherapy® Can Help to Non-Invasively Tighten Your Skin

Time, genetics and certain lifestyle factors can potentially combine to have a profound effect on the health and appearance of your skin. The effects of skin aging brought on by slower exfoliation, decreased collagen production, nutritional choices and unprotected sun exposure are often most pronounced on the face and neck areas. Sallow looking skin, fine lines deepening into wrinkles and... read more »

Stuck at Home? Sleep and Exercise Your Way to Glowing Beauty!

If you have developed healthier habits during this time of being homebound, your skin and appearance will continue to improve. Along with regular exercise and nutrition, your body, skin, and facial appearance will benefit immeasurably from a good night’s sleep. Beauty Sleep Did you know that when you sleep, your skin uses this time to repair itself and improve its... read more »

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