
Breast Augmentation Can Provide You With a More Appealing Bust Profile

A woman’s natural endowments are often tied to genetics as well as her general body composition. A woman with a low percentage of body fat may have smaller breasts for her frame. Some women with small breasts or a bust profile that has changed with age and certain lifestyle factors may be dissatisfied with their current endowments. If you feel... read more »

Cosmetic Surgery Can Help Improve Quality of Life

The human psyche is a complex thing. Topics like body image, social phobia, depression and body dysmorphia can spark polarizing debates throughout our culture. It’s also worth noting that many individuals who seek out cosmetic services are dealing with serious medical or cosmetic issues that impact their quality of life. At our practice, we strive to help individuals understand the... read more »

A Forehead Lift Can Improve a Sagging Brow and Other Features

The human face comes equipped with a vast number of facial muscles and connective tissues. Some play a physical role in the functions of your face and jaw, while others are primarily tasked with helping you make facial expressions. While you might not always think about it, your forehead and brow line is often engaged in important facial expressions. Subtle... read more »

Breast Cancer Screening Is Critical for Early Diagnosis

Performing a breast self-examination once each month plays an important role in catching any aberrations before they can develop into a more serious condition. While the self-exam is primarily intended to catch early signs of breast cancer, it can also help with the early detection of breast cysts and other medical conditions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also... read more »

A Facelift Can Help Rejuvenate Your Youthful Appearance

Wrinkles, sagging skin and lines on your face are an often unfortunate yet natural result of growing older. While a variety of factors can contribute to an aging appearance, primary causes of the skin aging are often related to decreased exfoliation at the surface layers of your skin as well as reduced collagen development in the deeper dermal layers. Early... read more »

A Mommy Makeover Can Restore Much of Your Pre-Pregnancy Appearance

Bearing children can cause significant changes to your body as well as your lifestyle. Many women who have had one or more children will notice long-term increases in their body fat, sagging breasts, loose abdominal skin and other changes in their appearance. Once you are done having children, you may want to consider various cosmetic procedures to address these issues... read more »

A Breast Lift Is Often More Popular Than Breast Augmentation

Decades ago breast augmentation with artificial breast implants was perceived as the most effective method for improving than shape and profile of a bustline altered by age, pregnancy and changes in body composition. Today modern cosmetic surgery technology has advanced to help address these issues without the need for silicone or saline breast implants. Many women who are dissatisfied with... read more »

VelaShape® III Might Help Remove Minor Fat Deposits

Improving your food choices and making a conscious effort to exercise more represents an important first step toward losing weight and improving your general health. Many people who have lost a modest to a significant amount of fat enjoy the extra energy and a bolstered sense of self-confidence. However, certain parts of the body do not readily surrender their fat... read more »

A Chemical Peel Can Help Address a Wide Range of Dermal Defects

Your skin is a complex organ designed to protect your muscles and internal organs from the environment of the outside world. The skin also plays an important role in your physical appearance. Individuals struggling with dermal defects and cosmetic imperfection on the face and other visible parts of the body often feel self-conscious about their appearance. In a situation like... read more »

A Lip Enhancement Can Provide You With Kissable Lips

As you age certain factors including genetics and changes in body composition can leave you with gradually thinning lips. These changes might also develop along with fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth. Some individuals with noticeably thin lips feel self-conscious about their physical appearance. Here at the Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Center located in New Rochelle, New York, Dr. Julie... read more »

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