Special Care Is Often Needed During Post-Operative Recovery

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The human body is a biological marvel rich with dynamic processes that integrate tissues, organs and systems that allow you to live a hopefully long life. However, the vicissitudes of growing older can start to affect its function as well as appearance.

Changes in body composition, skin health and developing cosmetic issues often drive individuals to our practice in search of options. Our experienced doctor and team are proud to offer a wide range of treatments to both improve your appearance as well as your general quality of life. Some of them are non-invasive and can be performed in a few minutes, while others require surgical intervention.

Should you choose a surgical procedure such as a facelift, breast lift, breast augmentation, or one of our other treatments, careful preparation and recovery are key for minimizing your risk of experiencing complications.

If your surgical treatment requires full sedation, we will likely instruct you to abstain from eating or drinking on the night before the procedure. You will also need to arrange for a ride home as any lingering sedative effects will prevent you from safely operating a vehicle for a few hours.

When planning for your surgical procedure, try to leave ample time for rest. Having a trusted friend or family member on hand for the first day or even a week after your treatment can allow your body to concentrate its resources on healing and recovery. With most surgeries, we recommend taking a full week off from work.

Many surgical treatments call for the use of sutures or other closures. In these cases, you may need to change the bandages periodically. When applicable, we might also recommend applying topical antibiotic cream to the incision area or treated area of skin.

Some surgical procedures call for our doctor to place a postoperative drain. This involves using a plastic tube that is secured just under the skin in the treatment area to help alleviate post-operative swelling or any possible pressure caused by minor bleeding.

In a case like this, we will provide you with the necessary instructions and materials to help clean and maintain the tube. You will likely need to return to our clinic for a follow-up appointment to monitor your progress and remove the drainage tube.

Any prescription antibiotics, anti-inflammatory or pain management medications will need to be taken as directed to ensure their maximum effect.

If you have a surgical procedure scheduled at our clinic and you have preparation or recovery questions, you can always consult with a member of our professional team!

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