What Is a Facelift?

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It is estimated that over 128,000 Americans each year have some form of facelift procedure. The procedure is designed to help remove some of the natural signs of aging in your face. The procedure itself will be greatly influenced by your age and the specific characteristics of your face.

Some of the more common areas for a face lift include, sagging in the middle of your face, deep creases below the lower eyelids or along the nose and mouth. Other people also have a face lift to address the loss of skin tone and texture in the lower face along with loose skin or excess fatty deposits under the chin.

Some procedures might include facial implants to accentuate parts of the face like the cheek bones or chin. It’s also not uncommon to have a fat transfer augmentation. This procedure moves fat from one less desirable location to accentuate another area.

In many instances a facelift might also include a neck lift procedure that is designed to address the sagging of skin or fatty deposits in the neck and under the jawbone.

If you are interested in a face of neck lift, please call us at 914-235-5171 to schedule a consultation.

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